
About Us
Network of Entrepreneurs Selling Travel
NEST-Network of Entrepreneurs Selling Travel is the industry’s first and only travel marketing group in the United States dedicated solely to home based travel agencies. In business since 2004, our focus is helping entrepreneurs achieve greater success financially, professionally and personally by championing solutions just for them.

We are a marketing organization serving two primary clients: the home-based travel agency and the preferred travel supplier. Agencies join as members and book directly with suppliers (using their own ARC, CLIA, IATA, or TRUE number). They maintain their agency ownership, commissions and client database.

NEST supports the changing needs of suppliers, helping them to connect with the rapidly growing home-based distribution channel to train, cultivate and compensate them. Today, our membership exceeds 450 agencies, comprised of the finest home-based travel professionals in the industry. Our goal remains steadfast — to create opportunities, intensify partnerships, and increase profits for our members.

Who Is The NEST Advisor?
NEST advisors are Home Based and Proud. They are experienced travel professionals aspiring for financial, professional, personal growth and recognition. They are: true entrepreneurs, motivated, knowledgeable sales people, focused, creative marketers, strong, invested business professionals.